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Carlo Siega

Bruxelles-based guitarist, after the Music Diploma in 2013, Carlo Siega obtained in 2014 the MA in Music Performance at the Conservatory “B. Marcello” in Venice with highest distinction, under the guidance of Florindo Baldissera. In the same year he resulted the first guitarist to receive the Stefano Vinti Scholarship Grant, given by the Venetian Conservatory for the best students.

He studied Electric Guitar for the Contemporary Music at the C. Abbado School of Music in Milan under Francesco Zago from 2013 until 2015. He attended Masterclasses with Emanuele Segre, Elena Càsoli, Tom Pauwels (Ictus Ensemble) and Yaron Deutsch (Nikel Ensemble).

He collaborates with many composers, premiering pieces by Pauline Oliveros, Klaus Lang, Frédéric Verrieres, Giorgio Colombo Taccani, Giovanni Mancuso, Luca Mosca and Lorenzo Troiani among others.

Active also as an Improviser, he studied with Frank Gratkowski, ManonLiu Winter, Simone Massaron, Pablo Montagne, Daniele Roccato and George E. Lewis, playing in Italy and abroad (Austria, France, Germany, Spain) in more than 20 different Music Festivals.

He obtained also a Bachelor Degree in Philosophy with highest marks and distinction at the Ca’ Foscari University in Venice.

Admitted at the Advanced Master in Contemporary Music Performance promoted by the University of Ghent and ICUS Ensemble, he is working on his own research and performance project at P.A.R.T.S. (Bruxelles) focused on experimental interpretation/improvisation and live-electronics and video-media.

In 2018 he won the Kranichsteiner Musikpreis at the Darmstadt Ferienkurse für Neue Musik.

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